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Showing posts from October, 2018

Google came, Google saw, Google conquered

I remember using Google for the first time in second grade.  It was during one of our keyboarding classes, which first taught me how to experience anxiety, where the entire class would get walked down to the computer lab and practice using an assigned computer for an hour or so.  The day we learned about Google we were tasked with exploring what we could find with the keyword "skunk" in various search engines.  That initial search might not have provided much information to the corporation about what my six-year-old self wanted and who I was as a consumer, but I can believe that since then, all that I have learned from and input into the system has been monitored and used to target me as a consumer. Google is valuable because digital products cost less to produce and maintain than physical products, and this is a product that virtually everyone depends on to find answers.  Google only knows that which is added to its vast digital archive.  You only know what G...

Codework is, Codework is not

Reading Response - Week 5 Alan Sodenheim 's explanation of what codework actually is in it's physical and verbal contexts, by telling us what it is not and where it exists.  This work is likely more comparable to a poetry than coding or programming, which drives me to believe that that is exactly what programming is - poetry.  Programming language is a coded, determined, and layered rhetoric designed to produce a desired output.  And so is poetry.  Yet both forms of communication are driven by a force beyond themselves, which objectifies them into use for commodification.  But how do we learn to understand and to recreate for a desired effect?  Saussure's explanation of signs and signifiers can provide some solace for those seeking to know why we identify "what is" as that specific "what is."  The object of programming, like that of linguistics, rests in an input - a "what is"- that requests a visual and reactive output.  Yet in the realm of ...

Black twitter you tweets for

When the library cry for each other. Y'all boys big on how y'all droppin heavy bands at the Gucci store then shouts out for these degrees. Can't have a Baby Boomer who makes 6 figures but can't argue with that logic let's eat.  Behind every broke millennial is a breakdown all day you buy food wit cash, it'll be like you're not spending money bc the teacher walks up to work.  yup I really shouldn't eat out guys please make sure you read the number in the same. Me: shit can't open a guy in the number in your paper then shouts out today I really shouldn't eat out guys please make sure you read the library cry for five or so minutes and then shouts out for each other. Y'all boys talk big goofy. When the Gucci store then shouts out guys please make sure you during an exam and try to you read the library cry for five or so minutes and looks at the prize we pay for each other. Y'all boys big goofy. When the Gucci store then go to ...

This is a Game

This is a Game Life is but a dream Welcome to the world! You have just been born. Your parents are so happy to have you as their child. They stamp your feet on a birth certificate and give you a name. What do you do? [[cry]] [[giggle]] [[open your eyes]] Good choice! You are but a fresh child after all. And better get your practice in now because there is a lot of crying to come in your future! Your parents take you home after a couple of days in the hospital. [[Whoa, I was just starting to get comfortable in there!]] [[About time! I'm ready for something new.]] Wow look at that adorable smile! Your parents can't get enough of your laugh, so they take a picture. What do they do with the picture? [[Share it on Facebook]] [[Nothing.]] Slow down there bud! One step at a time, someone is trying to grow up fast! Your eyes won't open because you were literally just born. [[Ok cool, got it. Now I cry]] [[Ok cool, got it. Now I giggle]] Well Momma knows best, because ...